Handling The Necessary Evil: Some tips on stress management


"Stress is not necessarily something bad it all depends on how you take it".

-----~ Hans Selye

Every individual in society faces day-to-day challenges, which in most cases is normal but sometimes these challenges can make the person feel stressed up. So, here is a brief outlook of stress and its management.

What is Stress? 

Stress is how an individual reacts or responds to a demanding situation. It is not true that stress is always bad or negative unless it becomes unhealthy and disturbs one’s individual life. Some amount of stress is beneficial as it helps to motivate and work efficiently but on the other hand excessive amount of stress can affect one's physical and mental health which may disturb the daily functioning of a person.

There are numerous reasons why a person undergoes stress. Some examples of the stressors that can be experienced in someone’s life such major life changes, injury or illness, death of loved ones, financial stress, work pressure, relationship issues. There are some internal factors such as hormone changes (pregnancy, post-delivery, menopause), which will ultimately lead to a chemical imbalance in the brain, causing symptoms like worry, fear, anger, etc.

How can stress affect health? 

There is a close relationship between mind and body. Certainty stress can affect your overall wellbeing. When a person comes across a stressful situation whether real or perceived, our brain secretes a chemical called cortisol, also called the stress hormone. Chronic over-secretion of stress hormone adversely affects many systems of our body including the neurological system, cardiac system, metabolic control, sleep, thought process, emotions, etc.

Another way stress affects our body is through the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS stimulates the flight or fight response when someone perceives stress. ANS controls involuntary movements like breathing, blood pressure, heartbeat.

Chronic stress leads to chronic overstimulation of ANS leading to adverse effects of BP, heart rate, glucose metabolism, etc.

How one can manage stress? 

Stress can be managed effectively in various ways Here are the ways to deal with stress:

Exercise - Engaging in any physical activity like walking, running, cycling will help in reducing stress hormones and also to keep ANS under good control.  

Practice yoga - yoga helps in relaxation of mind, body, and overall wellbeing

Taking a break - going on a vacation, involving yourself in hobbies, listening to favorite music, meditation can boost energy and reset a positive mood.

Speaking about your issues - Talking to someone you trust and sharing your problems can beneficial way to release stress.

Good relationships at work: A cordial relationship at the workplace can reduce work burden and build a sense of belonging and team spirit.

Family is your cushion: a good relationship among the family members, spending quality time with family are important. 

Positive thoughts- Keeping a track of your reasons for stress, keeping a track of your thoughts causing stress, and looking at the problems from a different, and positive angle will help in reducing stress.



Dr.Bheemsain Tekkalaki, Consultant Psychiatrist, Neuro-psychiatry clinic, Belagavi 9164137499

Ms. Aishwarya Patil, Counseling psychologist, Neuro-psychiatry clinic, Belagavi






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