How Diabetes Impact our Psychological Health




On November 14, world diabetes day is celebrated globally to raise awareness and provide education about diabetes. Every year World Diabetes Day is celebrated with a theme to highlight the importance of this day and this year theme is ‘Access To Diabetes Care’ which aims to ensure access to treatment and care and reduce the risk of diabetes.

In this article we are focusing on major psychological aspects that are affected in patient with diabetics

Diabetics and psychological health

Diabetics is a chronic disease that occurs when the level of glucose in the blood (blood sugar) is too high. Glucose in your blood is the main source of energy that comes from the food you intake. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, helps glucose from the food get into cells to be used as energy. If the body does not make enough insulin or use it well. This keeps the glucose in the blood and does not get into the cells however too much glucose in the blood can adversely physically and mentally.

Diabetes is primarily physical illness but can also lead to mental issues like stress, anxiety and depression and other mental issues. Diabetes not only affects physical health but mental health.

Diabetes and stress

Diabetes can lead to stress known as diabetes distress. Diabetes distress is an emotional state when a person feels frustrated and overwhelmed by diabetes. Stress can affect your blood sugar levels not directly but when your stressed, your body releases stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. This increases the energy of the fight or flight response and increased level of these hormones leads to insulin resistance that makes it harder for insulin to work adequately.

Signs and symptoms of diabetes distress.

·         Feeling anger and constantly being in low state of mind due the illness.

·         Fearing that the illness will get worse, but losing the will to make healthy choices.

·         Making unfavorable dietary choices.

·         Avoiding going to the doctor or checking blood sugar levels.

·         Feeling alone and isolated from others

 Diabetes and anxiety

The combination of anxiety and diabetes is like a vicious cycle of physical and mental problems. There is relationship between blood sugar levels and anxiety. Symptoms of uncontrolled blood sugar levels can lead to anxiety issues or get worsen in case of existing anxiety.






Signs and symptoms of anxiety in people with diabetes.

·         Feeling anxious or restlessness

·         Difficulty concentrating or mind goes blank

·         Irritability and frustration

·         Muscle tension

·         Sleep problems

·         Getting  easily tired.

Diabetes and depression

People who have  diabetes and experience symptoms of depression often have higher blood sugar levels. People with diabetes are at increased risk of depression. Because managing this condition usually involves lifestyle changes and additional responsibilities, people can find it distressing and mentally exhausting.

 Psychological signs and symptoms of diabetes

·         No longer find joy in activities that you used to enjoy

·         Change in sleep pattern ( Insomnia or sleeping too much)

·         Loss of appetite or binge eating

·         Trouble concentrating

·         Feeling lethargic and sadness

·         Feeling anxious or nervous all the time

·         Withdrawing from people and activities.


According to  studies, people with diabetes have risk of developing psychological illness and similarly people with psychological issues have high chance of developing diabetes. Fortunately, both can be treated simultaneously and affectively managing one can help the other.

Here are few tips for managing both diabetes and mental health include:

·         Regular Exercise - Engaging yourself in physical activities like brisk walking , jogging , running , cycling can help manage both diabetes and psychological issuues.

·         Eating healthy diet - Maintaining healthy diet benefits in managing diabetes and coping with anxiety and depression.

·         Get enough sleep - Adequate amount of sleep isn't just important for your diabetes management but it also boost a better mood.

·         Counseling - Counseling is a process that improves patients' ability to cope with the diabetes and helps in managing the emotional state.

·         Medications - There are effective medications that can help debetic people manage severe anxiety and depression. Without affecting blood sugar levels.

Dr.Bheemsain Tekkalaki

Aishwarya Patil

Sumana Psychiatry Center








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