How Diabetes Impact our Psychological Health
On November 14, world diabetes day is celebrated globally to raise awareness and provide education about diabetes. E very year World D iabetes D ay is celebrated with a theme to highlight the importance of this day and this year theme is ‘Access To Diabetes Care’ which aims to ensure access to treatment and care and reduce the risk of diabetes. In this article we are focusing on major psychological aspects that are affected in patient with diabetics Diabetics and psychological health Diabetics is a chronic disease that occurs when the level of glucose in the blood (blood sugar) is too high. Glu cose in your blood is the main source of energy that comes from the food you intake. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, helps glucose from the food get into cells to be used as energy. If the body does not make enough insulin or use it well. This keeps the glucose in the blood and does not get into the cells however too much gl...